Warzone Tournament Details
Game mode: Warzone Trios
Entry Fee: $10/player
Date: Sunday at 7pm CST
Gameplay time: 2.5 hours
Objective: Get the 3 highest total point games over 2.5 hours
Scoring: Every kill earns you 1 point. The chart explains placement point structure for a potential 25 placement points.
# of Kills + Placement Points = Total Points
Entry fee must be paid before tournament begins.
Scores will be checked against this Warzone stat tracker: https://cod.tracker.gg/warzone
Take a screenshot or picture on this stat tracker of the 3 games you intend to submit for scoring.
​Screenshots must be submitted for it to count.
Any games started later than 930pm CST do not count.
Sports enhancement drinks are permitted.
PEDs eligible in the following states: Massachusets, Maine, Vermont, Michigan, Illinois, Colorado, Alaska, California, Nevada, Oregon, Washington, unless medically permitted.
Laser beams are not only recommended, they are strongly encouraged.
Welcome to the Gulag.